Info Beasiswa 30 Juli 2010

1. Australia Development Scholarship 2011-2012

Deadline: 12 Agustus 2010

ADS membuka penerimaan beasiswa untuk tahun ajaran 2011-2012. Jenjang pendidikan yang ditawarkan adalah untuk gelar Master dan PhD dengan program studi bervariasi sesuai yang ada dalam formulir aplikasi beasiswa.

Syarat aplikasi beasiswa tersebut di antaranya:
Mempunyai IPK minimal 2,9 (skala 4);
Berusia tidak lebih dari 42 tahun;
Dianjurkan bagi pelamar S3 untuk memperoleh letter of support dari Universitas di Australia yang ingin dimasuki.
Tidak sedang/telah menerima beasiswa dari pemerintah Australia dalam 12 bulan terakhir sebelum aplikasi.
Menyerahkan dokumen-dokumen pendaftaran (temasuk 4 rangkap fotokopi dari dokumen-dokumen dimaksud) yang terdiri dari:
Nomination Form, Application Form
Fotokopi akte kelahiran, KTP atau paspor, dan curriculum vitae
Fotokopi ijazah dan transkrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir. Pelamar S3 juga harus melampirkan Ijazah/transkrip nilai S1
Sertifikat hasil TOEFL atau IELTS (TOEFL min 500 / IELTS min 5,0)
Referensi dari pembimbing S2 (untuk pelamar S3)
Outline Proposal penelitian bagi pelamar S2 dan S3 yang minimal 50% dari studinya merupakan research
ADS membuka penerimaan beasiswa untuk tahun ajaran 2011-2012. Jenjang pendidikan yang ditawarkan adalah untuk gelar Master dan PhD dengan program studi bervariasi sesuai yang ada dalam formulir aplikasi beasiswa.

download file

2. Beasiswa Program Master dari Korea Development Institute (KDI) Korea

Application Deadline for 2011 Spring Admissions: October 29(FRI), 2010

Korea Development Institute (KDI) School of Public Policy and Management melalui KBRI Seoul telah menyampaikan tawaran beasiswa untuk program Master di bidang kebijakan publik (Master of public policy), MPP/ Economic Development (MPP/ED), dan MPP/Public Management (MPP/PM).

Pembiayaan untuk mengikuti program tersebut dapat diperoleh dari POSCO Asia fellowship dan Global Ambassador Fellowship. Informasi lebih lanjut dapat diperoleh melalui website KDI, www.kdischool.

Adapun persyaratan untuk mendapatkan beasiswa dimaksud adalah sebagai berikut:
Mengisi dan melengkapi formulir pendaftaran (dapat diunduh di website KDI, www.kdischool.;
Statement of Purpose (format dapat diunduh di website KDI, www.kdischool.;
Fotokopi Transkrip nilai yang sudah dilegalisir dalam bahasa Inggris;
Fotokopi Ijazah yang sudah dilegalisir;
Surat rekomendasi sebanyak dua buah;
Pas Foto ukuran paspor (2 lembar);
Sertifikat TOEFL/IELTS;
Fotokopi Paspor;
Employment Verification (jika memiliki);
download file

3. Scholarship at Yokohama National University

Yokohama National University has for many years been instrumental in providing university graduates with opportunities to further their post-graduate work.

The University’s special emphasis on the promotion of international exchanges with overseas universities has been stimulated by the role of Yokohama, a major port and the second largest city in Japan, as a point of contact with other countries. Yokohama is the vibrant heart of a civilization which has received direct influence from the West and then integrated these influences into the development of present-day Japan.

The City of Yokohama has a well-developed infrastructure network. Because of its central location, Yokohama has had excellent access to theoretical and practical information available through various international agencies of the government, and Yokohama National University has been closely involved in issues of infrastructure management. Much of this experience and knowledge is applicable to the infrastructure development needs of developing countries.

The Infrastructure Management Program is formally administered by the International Graduate School of Social Sciences’ International and Business Law Department, but it is in fact jointly planned and conducted by all of YNU’s graduate schools. In working toward a Master’s Degree through the Infrastructure Management Program, students will study in areas associated with the International Graduate School of Social Sciences, the graduate schools of Education, Engineering, and Environmental and Information Sciences as well as the International Student Center.

In applying for admission to the program, applicants should note the following:

1. The Master’s Program in Infrastructure Management is oriented to training government officials with present or future management responsibility and an academic background in the field of engineering. Women are encouraged to apply. Applicants must:
(a) have completed undergraduate work in engineering or an equivalent field of study;
(b) be 35 years of age or under as of April 1, 2011;
(c) have at least 4 years of practical experience involving responsibility for infrastructure development; and
(d) be in good health (semifinalists will be required to submit a health certificate signed by their doctor)

2. Because the entire program is carried out in English, applicants must provide evidence of a satisfactory level of English competence, either by enclosing the result of the official TOEFL/IELTS (or an equivalent English proficiency examination) or by proving that they have completed a university program conducted mainly in English. TOEFL institution code for Yokohama National University is 0410 and department code for Infrastructure Management Program is 88 (International Relations).

3. Letters of reference or recommendation from two different people must be provided to support the application. One of these must be from a person who has supervised the applicant in a work situation and the other from a professor at the university from which the applicant graduated.

4. It is preferred that successful candidates arrange for a leave of absence from their employer for the two-year period during which they are to participate in the program. This leave should assure their re-employment after completion of the program.
Application and Entry Requirements (PDF file)
Application Procedure (PDF file)
Application Form (PDF file)
Check List (PDF file)
Recommendation Letter (PDF file)

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